Folks, I've opened up this thread for discussion of the Online Contents List over at --my intent is to keep that thread clean so that as new products drop, I just have to slide new posts on and rearrange existing ones as necessary to slot things in.

If you have suggestions for what I can improve, I'd appreciate it; if you have questions, I'll do my best to provide answers--and if anybody wants to take a run at filling in the blanks on Waves 1B, 3 and 4 (I'll reproduce my post template here), I'd welcome the help.

Here's how I build a typical Ship Data table:
[SKU] - [Releases]
Special notes for this sculpt: [any applicable notes]

Release Side 1 Side 2 Official Portrait
Wave _
Dates in service: [date] - [date]
Battle history:
  • event
Dates in service: [date] - [date]
Battle history:
  • event
[portrait here]
Wave _
Dates in service: [date] - [date]
Battle history:
  • event
Dates in service: [date] - [date]
Battle history:
  • event
[portrait here]
Wave _
Dates in service: [date] - [date]
Battle history:
  • event
Dates in service: [date] - [date]
Battle history:
  • event
[portrait here]