Hey there!

I've been working on a solo play app recently. It's not pretty, but so far, it works. When it's done, you'll be able to select the ships you want to play with (You can add the ships you own to the app), select whether or not you want to use the basic, standard, or advanced rules, and any optional rules you want. You can also select the movement rules you want to use. Right now, I've only got the standard solo movement rules for AI ships complete. (I still need to add collision damage, but I'm not sure yet how I'm going to handle that.) It requires a bit of user input... you'll have to tell it your target, range and arc, and when moving, if a ship is taken aback
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Here you can see the main form, with the ships I own so far.

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As I stated before, you enter the ships you own into the application.

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Here's the progression of the Movement phase of a turn. The Constitution is player controlled, while the others are AI. It's using the standard solo movement rules. After the AI ship moves, it checks to see if there are any used cards that need re-shuffled back into the AI ships movement deck.

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I haven't gotten the combat rules finished yet, but here's a shot of the Constitution preparing to fire a full port broadside on the Unite. You'll notice that when the Unite is targeted with the port cannons, the ship is removed from the list of targets for the starboard cannons.

During the combat phase, when a player fires, it will display the damage done to the targeted ship. After the combat phase, the damage will be applied to the ship, and the artillery firepower for the damaged ships will be updated, as well as the number of actions available, if the advanced rules are being used. It will also keep track of special damage incurred, and apply it accordingly. Well, that's it so far. It's slow going, so I'm not sure when it will be done. Hopefully relatively soon!