Some of us have expressed a desire to see an official line of SGN Coastal Fort Miniatures to interact with our ships, so I thought I'd open a thread to discuss the idea and brainstorm.

First, we have some questions--we know "Ground Scale" is not to-scale with the ships. Should we figure on similar exaggeration for our theoretical fort line, or made to match ground-scale? Remember, the Franco-Spanish line at Trafalgar was over TEN MILES long--in game terms, we're talking a table sixteen meters long. Roughly the length of a typical bus... and from the rear of the two British lines to greatest dispersion eastward from the Franco-Spanish starting position about the same distance.

Second, I know some folks would prefer generics, but others would prefer accurate models of specific installations. We can safely assume that we're looking at least at Small/Medium/Large or S/M/L/HUGE classes, so how do we classify those and where do we rank the world's coastal fortifications of the Napoleonic era and before into whatever chosen ratings system?

And then from there, what structures do we need? El Morro in Havana is an icon that would be Large or Huge, while British Martello towers could be done as one or two generic designs that would probably be firmly in the Small class, possibly even sell as a two-pack.

I know this is the kind of thing I usually build all those nice neat little tables for, but right now there isn't enough information for me to even start planning those tables never mind collecting data and filling them.