My 6 year old was a bit put out that the older one got to spend the day with dad playing the battle of the Nile yesterday. So today, after work, he decreed that he would play his own Sails of Glory game against dad, with older brother banned.

I was a bit dubious, because up until now he's never made it through a whole turn of the game. But I got out a couple of sloops, and he got to be the Americans (Thorn) and I was HMS Fairey. It turns out this is a great format for a young player with short attention-span.

We did basic rules, pretty much straight-up, with me suggesting which way he might want to turn (good refresher practice on left and right). Luckily I didn't have to fudge anything to make sure he had fun, because his first seven damage draws were zeros.

Sound thrashing of dad, and everyone is happy