Well, after arriving in port earlier this week, my ships were resupplied and headed to sea!

An unlucky British 74 came across a French 74 and battle ensued...

This is the look you get after the first round of shooting - her front guns doing mostly 0's, my full broadside stripping a good 4 boxes off of her ship! Needless to say, she wasn't very happy.....

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I on the other hand was very happy, I at least got her to play a game of SoG with me!

Things didn't end so well for the British in this encounter, and there were many more of these stares from across the table - followed by "I think somehow you're cheating".

I'd say fun was had by all, but I guess I'll just have to leave it with....fun was had by me, and hopefully her? Love her to death by the way, she's a good sport for at least playing what she calls my "nerdy games" with me!