
I have admired the handiwork of some of you enhancing ship models, creating terrain, etc. in the Chippy Shop section.
However, it is not only ships and terrain which are part of SoG, but also a generous amount of cardboard counters.

I do acknowledge the men's entitlement to their tot of grog, however, the drunkenness of some of some sailors is an issue in almost any ship of the Navy. Despite the men being routinely read the Articles of War to remind them of their duties, some only seem to come to their sense after a number of lashes. Frequent use of the cat, as justified as it may be, can yet make for an unhappy ship.

As a conscientious officer, I feel obliged to antagonize the men succumbing to spirits by turning their attentions to more worthwile activities, thus addressing several issues at once.

Generally, the men happily indulge in the carving of pipes and other things from wood and bone while off duty on the fo'c'scle, but some lack the aptitude for such an occupation going as far as to maladroitly cut themselves.

While many landlubbers will just punch the counters and use them as they are, old salts know their value and how to treat them. A contraption known as the Oregon Laminations Deluxe Corner Rounder (C006) will allow anyone to provide each SoG counter with entirely shipshape round corners.

The following draft shows such a device. Please note the eraser attached to one of the handles. This enhancement has been devised by my humble self to lessen material fatigue which might otherwise cause a handle to break after the clipping of a score thousand counters.

Name:  Oregon clipper.JPG
Views: 522
Size:  30.5 KB

Please observe the apparel of a set of counters before and after treatment for comparison.

Name:  Clipped counters.JPG
Views: 449
Size:  52.7 KB

Following the below link, you can observe an old hand working with an Orgeon clipper.

There are 2mm, 2.5mm and 3mm variants of the tool. It is a matter of taste, which type might be most fit for SoG counters. I have used the 2mm variant, originally for counters of 1/2" and 5/8" size. The below sketch will provide an impression of the different outcomes depending on the type:

Name:  Sizes.JPG
Views: 493
Size:  22.8 KB

Those who ambitiously engage in prolonged clipping efforts without prior training or using the wrong technique might experience tenosynovitis. The way how you handle the clipper makes all the difference, on which I could advise if need be.

I hope that these elaborations have introduced a new ideas on how to enhance the performance of our sailors and our ships in the service of the King:

Most humbly yours,
Lt. Bush