
My name's Nate; I live in Chicago. I've never backed a kickstarter before, but Ares has found my kryptonite. I started reading the Hornblower series a couple years ago and was absolutely hooked, and now this fixation has spilled over into my two other all-consuming obsessions: board games and pretty, pretty things.

Fortunately, I'm getting married in May to a woman who truly fills my sails, but unfortunately, this has put a huge strain on my wallet, so at first I wasn't sure I was going to be able to jump in. But after drooling over the game for more than I week, I finally put my entire A Game of Thrones LCG collection on ebay. It's currently at $300, but I hope it'll jump a bit higher by the end of the auction in 3 days, because whatever I make there is going right into Sails of Glory.

My plan is to pledge at the captain level, and then add an additional mat, combat ruler, and terrain pack #1 (because what's the point of having 16 ships if you don't have the room for a massive sea battle?). Does this seem reasonable?

Anyway, I'm glad this forum exists. I needed a place to vent my squealing excitement.
