My belated 2 pence is:

"Here be Monsters!"

with suitable artwork reflecting antique maps of the "unknown deeps"

Just a question, a couple of buddies played some small skirmishes (1 ship each) and noted the current mat is barely large enough for 2 ships. If I am hoping to sail 4 ships per side, am I entering the realm of my own custom sized mat? (especially considering the scarcity of the official SoG mats…). Not trying to start a ruckus, I'm seriously asking for opinions - please remember I'm a newbie to this group AND any sort of online forum.

I think it is great the first round of SoG sold as fast as it did. Considering the KS campaign leading into it, I am very hopeful this game has its sea legs and will have endurance. I'm looking forward to wave 2 and can't wait for more American ships to appear, along with Spanish ships and (of course!) pirates!