I like lopsided engagements. The differences between ships aren't so great that they are insurmountable. Yes, a 1st rate will blow a frigate out of the water long before the frigate has any chance of doing the same, but you have to catch it first, then bring your guns to bear long enough to get a broadside off. Blockade running with a 1st rate is my favorite type of action right now. A frigate engaging a first rater just long enough for a 74 to come help out makes for nail biting decisions. Can the frigate stay engaged long enough for the 74 to show up? Can the frigate inflict enough damage that when the 74 finally gets there, it has a fighting chance? Are you willing to sacrifice the frigate, or stand off out of range until the 74 shows up? Can you safely get your other blockade runners across the game space and out the other side, or do they have to turn back and come to the rescue of the first rater? Putting fresh ships in at different times during the game is more realistic than just pitting one ship against another. If you almost have your opponents ship ready to strike it's colors and you see a new set of sails on the horizon bearing down full sail, it forces you to decide whether to disengage and run, finish off the other ship and turn to meet the new threat, or every type of action in between. I just fought a scenario just like this a couple of days ago and the frigate actually managed to destroy the foremast of the 1st rater. This gave the late arriving 74 a much better chance.