There won't be any, as everyone follows the trope of 'pistol shot = duelling distance', rather than that of the range at which pistol shot with "some elevation" ~5 degrees (by my own calculation) would strike the water. (~400yds, as indicated by Lord Rodney in his annotations to John Clerk's work on naval tactics).

They also *all* assume that carronades have a short range (<<400yds) - while the actual carronade range by line of metal is closer to 750yds (and 400yds is the range at the apex of this trajectory, over 30ft above the line of sight), with intermediate ranges usable by a stepped slot on the dispart sight - which would give ~ 550/280 yds by direct pointing (compared to the flatter firing guns, with a much shallower line of metal (and lower apex), but only reaching to ~600yds by line of metal/direct pointing.

All of the descriptions of range/angles and manoeuvring & gunnery which follow from that will also be distorted.