Rob - I know what you mean. So far I've got sheets for every named Arrogant, Bellona, and Elizabeth class 74 that was made. I'm working my way through other stuff. I probably won't do EVERY Leda class for example as there are 47 of them, but usually I do about 8-10 ships of each class (or the full class if around that number). Since I'm making them myself, once I get the main sheet setup for whatever class, it's just a simple name change. And since I print them out, can have as many as I want.

The pain part is each one gets printed on card stock and needs to be cut out using a steel straight edge and razor. I then take a sharpie and color the edges of the stock black as well, just to classy it up a bit more. Eventually I'll have well over a hundred made.

Killick - sure, I could make one for a generic RN bomb ketch, you'd just have to provide the stats you want for it.