Hi guys (and girls),
I just joined this site which I'm sure I will find just as friendly and helpfull as "the Aerodrome"", where I'm also a member (same name: Aardvark1430). The reason for joining is that I was recently given two ships for the SoG game by a "friend", who just lured me into a new game
Actually, I like it and bought two ships myself, some counters and shipmats. Now to find a rulebook. And a gamemat (or 2) and ...
My fleet at the moment consists of the French Sibylle, HMS Fairy, HMS Concorde and HMS Iphigenia.
I guess I'll see if I can change some ships into Dutch ships. I think I will take French ships for that undertaking.

Some info on myself:
I'm a Dutch (you guessed that ...) OAP (68 years old), living in The Hague.
I've been a modeller since I was a kid and have been wargaming since the early eighties.
My other games are:
* Wings of War/Glory (both WW1 and WW2),
* Flames of War WW2 (and some WW1)
* WW2 gaming in 1/285 (1/300, 6mm) using old WRG rules
* WW2 naval games in 1/2400, using World War Two Naval Wargame Rules (Skytrex, 1983)
* 1880 - 1910 Colonial Wars in 25mm, using the Sword and the Flame ruleset revision 1, 1984)

If anybody is interested in more info, just ask here or PM me.