Well, what a day. Back home after Partizan today.
Really nice to get to the venue and see every one. Enjoyed a good day doing sails, although we only got through a couple of games. Must say a big thanks to Bligh, Ensign Patch, Dr Maturin, Union Jack and captain Kiwi for taking part and a hello Rafa j Larwood.
I will post pics this week of the action.
What was more than a little dissapointing, not a single punter stopped for a game of Sails.
Lots stopped to talk and I pointed at least three people towards buying a Starter set, showed a further 4 or 5 the game mechanics received very favourable commnts on my ships,but nobody wanted to play
I could have sold 8 starter sets and a number of ships, but nobody wanted to sit and play...really dont get it.

Now we had a couple of very enjoyable games between ourselves and lots of people wanting to talk about the game but no joy. I really am at a loss now.
Anyway as I said pics this week