Throwing in my two cents on this issue.

While a SoG tournament might be interesting, I don't see it happening on a broad scale... at least not on the scale of X-Wing or Attack Wing.

I do see SoG having something that X-Wing does not: extended playability. I know that a few of the X-Wing players we had in our group have dropped off. Even those who stay tend to get tired of it after a while because it is pretty much just dogfights all the time. The historical nature of SoG may not fuel tournament play, but I see it keeping the interests of players because of the historical nature of the game. I would play it more if there were more people in my area who were interested in it, and I feel that the lack a availability may be what is hurting SoG at the moment. Once more ships get out there, and people figure out that all they need are the ship mats and tokens (sold separate from the starter set) and the downloaded PDF rules, I think more people would get interested.