Since I got no help on Testflight, I'm crossposting this request here...

As some of you will recall, I've been amassing a pile of data for various armaments on different ships. I had an idea for a "special rule" for a couple specific ships, and was wondering if somebody'd be willing to test 'em and suggest a points adjustment for each...

Ships: SGN104 Slade Common 74 as HMS Egmont 1783 armament, SGN103 Amazon 32 as HMS Castor (later armament; need to double-check my notes on when Castor went Carronade Crazy)

Given that these two ships at the times I'm proposing this special rule for them were armed stem-to-stern, top-to-bottom with carronades, I would propose that these two ships be allowed to use Double Shot every time they fire, but ONLY be able to attack at B range or closer.

Anybody willing to test these in comparison to their standard counterparts and give me some feedback?