Hurricon is coming up in September and I will be running some games there. Hopefully I will see some of our local members there. Come up and say Hi if you do come, I would love to meet you in person.

I had a thought about a game I have been toying with....

Last year I ran a race scenario for WOG and it was a real success. It was fun to play and fun to run. I have had several requests to do it again. Wellll.....

Now I am focused on SOG, I was thinking about doing something similar with this, and laying out about an 8 x 4 table, with a U shaped course, where the race goes around an island in the north side, the wind from the east, constant, with reefs, random sea monsters, whirlpools, fog banks, pirates and any other devious thing I can think of. The goal is to survive unscathed and be the first to cross the finish line. If you happen to take the odd pot shot at an opponent along the way, all the better, but be aware, they may shoot back.

So, am I crazy, or could this work?

Anyone have any suggestions?

Of course I will have to lay it out in scenario form for the fun of all.

FYI for anyone wanting the con info, it is September 25 through 28.