I know in the software world that was always one of the "million dollar questions"--do we try to extend the product to capture a bit broader market or not? If you were unwilling to do that at all, you would normally fail. Some flexibility is critical. But if you did it too much, and lost your core focus, then you were also likely to fail, because your product would begin to be less useful to its core audience--and more intangibly, your development team would lose its sense of what the product was really about. Tough choices to navigate.

Perhaps it's a similar issue with game design, or perhaps not. I do respect the fact that Ares seems to have a strong sense of what their product is and what it isn't. I think that has served them well in terms of the quality of the product produced. I'll be interested to see where they go both with product expansion, and with possible evolution of the rules. I just hope they have the bandwidth to give the game ongoing care and feeding.